Magic Neighbors Will You Network as You Use Your Free Blog?

Hello Magic Neighbors, or more specifically, Magic Neighbors who are currently making a difference in their communities via theater arts. We give thanks to you for entertaining those in your community. Performance is an important way to bring people together. A communal performance experience is valuable and helps to activate and define members of your community. That said, this post is going to be a little bit different than those we normally do. In this one we are going to explore something that you and your company might find useful. We’ll be breaking down the elements that are important parts of gaining support for your organization. We are taking a look at how having a free blog could be useful to you.

Here is a Free Blog Opportunity to Use a Free Blog to Network has a free blog option that might be helpful for you. If you are a business owner or someone who is developing a business idea, this potentially could be a good fit for you, that if you are interested in mingling online with other business owners and protentional employers. The great thing for those interested in networking, it is a chance to get out there what industry you are in and what problem you solve.

Digital Information Product Creators have a Unique Advantage When Networking with Their Free Blog

Some find Linkedin to be a solid place to ask business questions of experts as well as an opportunity for sharing your expertise and letting it be known you have the solution to the problems of those in your industry. And if you are a Digital Information Product Creator you possibly have an edge going for you which is the fact if there is interest in checking out your wares, is just a click away and downloadable too.

A Question to Ask Yourself if You are Considering Doing Your Free Blog in Conjunction with Network

The information you are currently reading is intended for those who are currently D.I.P.C.s. and are using something like the original “Create Promote Sell Repeat” system we use and are currently building strategy to strategy to get the results you need to survive tested and documented. That is why finding out if is your cup of tea in terms of answering the question “Would Linkedin participants be possible future customers?”

The “Must Mention” Free Blog Provider

WordPress needs to be brought up in this forum since it currently makes up for around 30% of all blog and websites in the country and even world. WordPress has a blog solution that is free to use. It is stripped down in terms of features, so that it is really a simple solution to getting the word out to your audience of potential customers.

Free Blog Solution if You Have Access to Host Account

For those of you who have access to hosting, it is possible to take things further by choosing what WordPress likes to refer to as “theme” which essentially a means of choosing what your site will look like. If you have hosting access you can then be able to get what WP calls “plugins” for free and in some instances paid for. Plugins give you different functions that you can integrate into your blog.

Free Blog, No Host Access Necessary

But since our goal is to facilitate that you get everything free, a free WordPress blog would be a considerably basic site that does not have many options. Though, it might be a good idea to keep things simple even if you already have a business or are seeking to evolve one.

The Risk of Using Your Free Blog to Talk About Works in Progress

It can be empowering to share with your public what your long terms plans are. That is where a simple WordPress site could help. Though you want to think this approach through carefully, because the risk of sharing your plans it that what you are talking about today may not happen tomorrow. As well as you might be letting out secrets of your business plan that others can take and make their own and maybe even beat you to the marketplace with their version.

The Two Sides of a Free Blog Provider

It should be explained that there are two sites for WordPress. One is and the other is Both are for different purposes. is where you can free and paid blog options. Whereas is for those who have access to a server and a domain and can install themes and plugins

Same Company Owns Yet another Source for Free Website

WordPress is owned by Atomattic, a company that also owns a popular social media site which is yet another place you can get a free blog from. Tumblr is primarily as a place to share things visually in pictures and videos, but for some business owners and those with a business idea, could call home.

On their homepage, describe what they offer with these words:

“Tumblr is so easy to use that it’s hard to explain. We made it really, simple for people to make a blog and put whatever they want on it. Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff. Tumblr is 526 million different blogs, filled with literally whatever.”

Magic Neighbors What Will You do Now?

Do you already have a blog but do not update it as much as you might like? Will you get a free blog? Whatever media path you choose, online methods can bring people together. We look forward to see how you reach out to your community as well as those who can help you.