Do You Wish You had Magic Neighbors because as a Business Owner You Need a “Method How” to Attract Customers which is a Problem You are Trying to Solve?
A Myth About “How To” Beat Competitors You Probably Still Believe? Look, if you are in business, you want to beat the competition. But the myth about a “Method How” to do is just that. A myth. For example, we had an in-person business in the heart of Manhattan, NYC, one of the most competitive […]
It is Nice to Have Magic Neighbors like Magic Authors and Celebrity Magicians, and Maybe Even Learn a Bit About How They Do What They Do
How to Start Your Career as a Magic Author You have several options these days for getting into the area of being a magic author. One way is to self-publish. There is a lot of information out there on how to write and market your own eBooks. And once you write your book you can […]
7 Easy (Depending) Steps that are Low or No Cost for a Magic Neighbors “Cause Marketing” Campaign, Enabling You to Make a Difference in Your Online or In-Person Community as You Grow Your Business
StepsThe 7 step Cause Marketing Strategy we are about to show you, might be right for you if you are a small business owner who has a passion for a particular cause that transforms peoples’ lives for the better. The 7 steps will be easy for some and not so simple for others. But either […]
Magic Neighbors Who Have Community Theater Companies Might Benefit From a Free Blog
Magic Neighbors Will You Network as You Use Your Free Blog? Hello Magic Neighbors, or more specifically, Magic Neighbors who are currently making a difference in their communities via theater arts. We give thanks to you for entertaining those in your community. Performance is an important way to bring people together. A communal performance experience […]
The Relationship that Prestidigitation has to Marketing
Passing Out the Magic The Magic Neighbors Troupe was a traveling magic and puppet show that performed at various New York Public Libraries (NYPL) for families and kids. Kids are more apt to believe that magic is real than grownups are. As adults we tend to get more cynical and practical and break away from […]
Yianni Stamas talks about Magic Neighbors and the 4th Day of Christmas
Diversity of Holidays I just finished talking with my wife about “Four Calling Birds” and how in the 12 days of Christmas song the line used to be “Four Colly Birds.” If we were still performing regularly with the Magic Neighbors troupe doing New York Public Library performances, we might have integrated this fact and […]
Did Harry Potter Leave His Glasses at Your Pool?
Bit of a Tan Okay you did it. You broke down and accepted being a part of the hype when you asked Mr. Potter over for a dip. After racing him in the water a few times (making certain to let him win), you two agreed on a chat and laid down on chairs for […]
Magic Can Be for Grownups Too
One of the founders of Magic Neighbors recently performed for a well known magic society, not for kids as Magic Neighbors projects often are created for, but rather a breed of hocus pocus primarily done for adults known as mentalism. This performance marked a new direction Magic Neighbors is considering moving toward which is an […]
Unusual Sources of Donations for Your Group
If your group is like our, Magic Neighbors,” chances are that funding is very important. It is an especially challenging task to take on now so you need to think out of the box. Our current unusual source of donations is in creating and marketing our own eBook. You can do this too! You need […]
The Evolution of Striving to be a Magic Neighbor
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Magic Neighbors of the Past When our daughter was a toddler we did a lot of community outreach activities in Washington Heights and Inwood in Manhattan, NY. Our Magic Neighbors theater company was […]